品名:PALACE檯面盆 (單龍頭孔含毛巾桿) 120 CM
尺寸:W 120 * D 51 cm
Laufen 至今已有百餘年的歷史,產品風格因受瑞士多民族風格影響,產品表現不同於德國的粗曠,展現的是奧地利日爾曼細緻文化藝術,Laufen 百年來對品質的堅持及在產品設計上不斷的創新使 Laufen 得已在高所得的瑞士佔有率超過80%。
Laufen 堅持傳統技師手工打造,精雕角度與平衡感俐落,以維持產品完美,百年來始終如一。
Laufen 堅持傳統的製作技術,生胚完成時,室外自然風乾2天,室內烘乾2天,在攝氏1240度下燒製,使陶瓷全瓷化,產品更耐用。
Laufen 堅持精選材質石英晶石高嶺土。
瑞士是世界富豪的聚集地,也是著名的旅遊勝地,瑞士有世界上最好的住宅和酒店,而在瑞士 Laufen 衛浴設備的市場佔有率超過80%。在奧地利 Laufen 衛浴設備的佔有率也超過70%。在歐洲其他國家 Laufen 衛浴設備也是家喻戶曉,是許多高級住宅和酒店的首選產品。
無論從生產技術、品質控制還是工業造型設計,Laufen 都是行業的領先者,無愧於世界頂級衛浴設備的美譽。
Laufen 衛浴設備通過 ISO9001 品質管理認證。
Laufen 衛浴設備通過 ISO14001 環境管理認證。
Andreas Dimitriadis.
A bold design with personality: A product that not only meets the expectations of the buyer, but whose unexpected positive features also pleasantly surprise. Andreas Dimitriadis believes this is the definition of a perfect product.
With this goal in mind, the owner of the platinumdesign studio, along with his seven-member team of designers, CAD specialists and model builders create products full of personality. Each product offers customers added value, has a strong emotional appeal, conveys its inherent quality and establishes solid trust in the brand.
Andreas Dimitriadis worked at Phoenix Design for many years and has been co-owner since 2003. During this time he has managed projects for companies such as LG Electronics, BenQ Siemens, Siemens Gigaset, Navigon, T-Mobile and LAUFEN. In 2007 he launched platinumdesign, his own design studio right in the heart of Stuttgart. The design studio’s current customers include Siemens, Navigon, Schock and LAUFEN of course.
Andreas Dimitriadis: “With the florakids line, LAUFEN has succeeded in creating an upbeat, lively, child-friendly environment that fosters a sense of hygiene at an early age. The rounded, attractive shapes are combined with bold colours and inspirations from animal and plant kingdoms. As a result, the bathroom is an ideal place for kindergarten kids to play and enjoy escaping to imaginary worlds in. Children can relate to the product family on an emotional level and in terms of function and size it ticks all the boxes too. This bathroom is tailor made just for children”.