品名:PALOMBA 落地式馬桶 (含緩降蓋)
尺寸:W 36 * D 70 * H 89.5 cm
管距:25 ~ 30 CM
Laufen 至今已有百餘年的歷史,產品風格因受瑞士多民族風格影響產品表現不同於德國的粗曠,展現的是奧地利日爾曼細緻文化藝術,Laufen 百年來對品質的堅持及在產品設計上不斷的創新使 Laufen 得已在高所得的瑞士佔有率超過80%。
Laufen 堅持傳統技師手工打造,精雕角度與平衡感俐落,以維持產品完美,百年來始終如一。
Laufen 堅持傳統的製作技術,生胚完成時,室外自然風乾2天,室內烘乾2天,在攝氏1240度下燒製,使陶瓷全瓷化,產品更耐用。
Laufen 堅持精選材質石英晶石高嶺土。
LAUFEN 馬桶的特點
- 沖水功能突出
- 獨特的可調節伸縮套管
- 排污管全面施釉
- 易潔形馬桶蓋、無聲液壓馬桶蓋
Ludovica+Roberto Palomba
The design of the LAUFEN PALOMBA COLLECTION recalls small inlets or pebbles shaped by the eternal movement of the sea, expertly transformed into ceramic. All elements of the collection harmonise with one another as each one of them bears the signature of the Italian designer couple, Ludovica+Roberto Palomba.
Yet the character of its design is not rigidly fixed, but hovers between geometrical and organic forms. Its underlying concept is the manmade cube, hollowed and rounded by the elemental force of water – the sea as inspirational force. However the washbasins, bathtubs, shower trays, WCs, bidets and furniture of the PALOMBA COLLECTION do not achieve the absolute status of a fully integrated bathroom. True to the spirit of the collection, these designer objects lend themselves to exciting combinations: both within the collection and with LAUFEN products of a matching design. A stream of new design solutions successively enhance the PALOMBA COLLECTION.