品名:PINTO 單槍面用龍頭
- 連接尺寸 G3 / 8
- DN尺寸(標稱尺寸)DN15
- 低噪音等級,被分為第一級
- 使用的材質是耐脫鋅黃銅,增加水龍頭的使用壽命及減少重金屬對人體的危害
- 鍍鎳的厚度是 10 μm,鍍鉻的厚度最少 0.3 μm,更耐磨及光亮
- 開關把手是金屬材質(鋅壓鑄),壓鑄的鋅是一種非常堅固且耐用的材質
- 水龍頭與軟管相連接的部分,都有防回流功能
HANSASTELA embellishes modern bathrooms with its clean-cut but soft look. At first sight, its design is rather understated. But the combination of joystick control and the wide, rectangular HANSAFLOW spout strike as extraordinary and trendsetting.With its contrasting design vocabulary, HANSASTELA is particularly flexible for the combination with different washbasins and also with a variety of lines from our shower program. This provides plenty of scope for creative design. The technology of HANSASTELA derives from quality, which has always been one of our most important promises.